2023-2024 Hunting Season is almost here!

We are currently updating prices for the upcoming year and check out our events page for corrected event dates. We have had a very busy and productive summer for raising birds but have been short handed and had many problems with our sporting clays course. It is going to be re-opened after a much longer than anticipated shut down. We thank you for your patents and understanding as many of you came without knowing it was shut down and worked with us, shooting what was available, and giving us much needed feed back on what needed to be changed and updated more.

Thank you ALL so much, I look forward to seeing you soon!

2022-2023 Huntin’ Season Starting

We are looking forward to a great 2022-2023 season. This will be our 60th year of making memories with so many people. We are so thankful that the Lord has blessed us with these years and are looking forward to many more.

Keep and eye out for our newly designed brochure that will be coming out the first part of September with some added history of where be have come from!

God Bless,
Ruth Malpas

Old Ways Are New Again

We expect to see an anti-conservative swing in the next few years so have moved away from some of our current social media postings. We do not want to be supporting antigun and those who would censor us from speaking freely.

But, as we move away from traditional social media, we don’t want to lose our faithful followers. We welcome your suggestions on where you want to see us. We will continue to contact you through direct email newsletters. If you have given your email to us and have NOT removed yourself from the list we send out, you should hear from us periodically. We cannot re-subscribe anyone who has declined the subscription. Sad, but true.

Meanwhile, we would love to see and talk to you face-to-face at Elkhorn.

Or talk via old fashioned phone.

Sometimes the old ways are the best.
